7 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Lucrative Options Over Meager Stock Dividends
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Learn to trade Options the low-maintenance, the “Low Stress” way in just 1-2 hours a week!
Our Flagship Options ROI Tracking Software!
Game-changing software that takes the confusion and stress out of tracking your calls, puts & rolls. Get ready to press the 'easy' button!
"I want to share my results with you all since I started trading. Needless to say, I'm personally thrilled with them as I'm just a beginner to options. For those who have seen some of my posts, you all know that I am "extremely" conservative with my strike prices. I did that to conform to my comfort level which is increasing each week. In just 6 weeks I am up $592, averaging 1.37% per week!! Again, I'm playing this at a very conservative level and still averaged 1.37% return per week!!"
- James Beyea
We know. It sounds crazy, but it really works! The Low Stress Options™ strategy has been helping hundreds of financially minded people just like you achieve gains (and goals) and a rate and timeframe they never thought possible. Scroll down to read some of our testimonials, or just click the button below to get started!
“John and Troy are great at answering questions and providing the strategies and trades that they are actually doing. They aren’t just teaching, they are trading
as well.”
“I can’t even compare what I’ve learned through Low Stress Trading™ in just a few months compared to what I have learned over many years in conventional markets.”
“Troy and John are perfect partners,
saving me an incredible amount of time learning about resources and approaches I never would have figured out on my own. Troy and John practicing what
they are teaching.”
Mike Blankenship — Been loving this process. This is exactly what I needed for my finances -- something with a little bit of management that is more about patience than timing the market. And something that gets a better return than my fuggin' IRA & 401k at 4% per year lol. For anyone who's curious, here are my numbers so far... I'm up $1521 in just my first six weeks and have already recouped my investment int he training. Just sharing because I'm excited :)
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M. Wong — In the beginning, I was struggling with the idea of 1%. It seemed small and slow to my mind. I was getting paid $5, $11, $20 and sometimes over $30 for a contract. It felt small and slow but I kept doing what John and Troy teach. Then it wasn't until I hit a big milestone on December 1, 2023 that I realized how WRONG my thinking was. On that very day, I crossed the $10k mark in premium. It was the day I truly tasted the power of time and compounding! Mind bender...I totally underestimated the power of 1% a week even after seeing Troy's results and using the calculator.
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“No form of investing I've personally done comes close to this level of return with a minimum of risk and effort. There's the effort of learning the system, learning not to get greedy, and learning not to flip out. Lol. Once you get a handle on those, it really is low-stress (in my experience). Thank you, Troy and John!”
“Troy and John, thanks for creating this program. Your explanations are clear and your messaging is consistent... Nearing the end of the seventh week of trading. Roughly 14% return. In seven weeks. WOW!”
Learn why weekly income from Options is better that dividend investing in BOTH the long and short-term!
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