Join us LIVE Tuesday at 7pm EST for a Q&A roundtable discussion

(Not a lame marketing webinar... just live off-the-cuff Q&A)

Navy Nuclear Engineer-turned-world renowned trader
reveals how business owners can use Options Trading to...

Steal Yourself Wealthy!*

In as little as just 1-2 hours a week, potentially collecting payouts each and every week. You can then conceivably  compound those weekly wins over and over again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Best of all, it's a framework so simple that the biggest challenge you’ll likely face is to not overcomplicate it. 

* Not a “get-rich-quick” promise; only a catchy name for the true story (below)
that inspired the creation of our framework strategy.

Born from A Hard-Learned Lesson in a 30%+ Per Month Hyper-Inflation Brazilian Economy…

It was the 80’s, and I was just a freshly minted 16-year old. I had received a Rotary International Exchange student scholarship and would call Sao Paulo, Brazil, my home for the next fourteen months.

Little did I know what I was in for.

My first impression of Brazil was entering the international airport and seeing the Federal Police armed with Uzis. “Bem vindo, gringo!” — Welcome to Brazil!

In the 80’s, Brazil was briefly run by the military. While I was living there, they were deep in the middle of hyper-inflation with rates hitting 20% and 30% a month! No, that’s not a typo. 30% inflation a month! That sends economies into a tailspin... fast!

But in this chaos, I learned a secret to wealth accumulation from my host family father, Benedito “Maximo” de Conçeicão. Or just “Maximo,” as everyone called him.

He taught me to steal myself wealthy!

Maximo has three children and he had bought each of them a franchise in Brazil’s most popular beauty and fragrance company. They were in their 20’s and ran the stores, but he ran the books for them.

After attending their monthly franchise meeting in São Paulo one day, they all came back and called out to their father, “Maximo, what is going on? All of the other franchise owners are on the verge of going out of business, unable to meet payroll and about to close their doors. How are we still in business?”

And that’s when he let them in on the dark truth of what he’d been doing. He replied...

“Because I've been stealing from you!”

All of his children (and me as well - he had invited me into the family discussion) looked at him mesmerized as he began to explain himself.

Each day for the past several years, when closing out the books for the day, he would collect the daily take from all three of the stores, and then deposit it at the bank. In fact, I had gone on many of these daily deposit runs with him and his driver/bodyguard who always accompanied us.

But he always made a detour on the way home, and I never understood it until now. He explained that, every day, he would steal a little off the top from each of the stores. On some days, when the take was low, he’d only swipe 5% or so. However, on other days that had a big take, he would lift 10% or even 20%. Then, he would take that money to the local travel agency and use it to steal them wealthy.

How? Simple. He would convert that money into US dollars.

You see, in the 80’s in Brazil with hyperinflation, the US dollar was the best way to accumulate wealth. The dollar was strong and their money was super weak. So, he would take some of the profits out of his stores, convert them to dollars, and sock them away for a rainy day.

He had been stealing from the till for years now and none of his kids were any the wiser. No one knew it, but… he wasn’t stealing from them…

He was stealing FOR them!

He was socking that money away as a hedge for their businesses and now, when inflation had peaked and the entire country was suffering, he was able to tap into those reserves and survive when others were failing.

For several months he had been dipping into those US dollar reserves, converting them back into local currency, and depositing the money back into the bank to meet payroll.

He had single-handedly kept all three stores afloat during this hyper-inflation period that saw massive corporate failures because he had been stealing them wealthy all along.

I could go on and on about the lessons learned from Maximo, but this one lesson was the most important of all.

“It Normally only takes 1-2 hours a week”

Out of respect and homage to Maximo, we have created an entire framework where your business can also steal itself wealthy in just a couple of hours a week.

That’s exactly how long it took Maximo to do this little dance he did: about an extra two hours a week. Yet those two hours a week carved out a complete emergency fund for three companies!

Maybe you don’t feel the need to create an emergency fund. But perhaps, like many other business owners, you find yourself in one of these situations:

Your retirement funds are not where you hoped they would be. Sadly, just 6% of Americans have $100k or more saved for retirement. The median 401k balance at age 65 is a mere $70,620. That’s likely less than you may need for even a single year in retirement. Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, in his 2024 letter to investors, called out the looming retirement crisis, as well as the need for innovative solutions. 

You don’t have even one month of emergency funds. As business owners, we all know we should have at least three to six months of income easily available in an emergency fund, or even more. Yet, according to a CBS News investigation, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash set aside to handle even a $500 financial surprise! Lose a transmission on your car and you’re potentially looking at $2500 to $5000 or more in repairs. Heck, even getting your backpack stolen with your MacBook Pro in there would likely be way more than a $500 surprise. Yet, most aren’t prepared for it.

You're not financially ready to provide for your children’s college needs. Education expenses have skyrocketed and many parents’ businesses have simply not done well enough to cover those expenses for their children entering college.

Your business has a lot of peaks and valleys. This is an all too common problem for most entrepreneurs, especially service-based businesses. The money comes in flurries, but not consistently. Some months are great, some are a struggle.

Your business is doing okay, but you’re not certain you’ll hit your financial goals and don’t want to compromise. Things are “fine.” Even your retirement plan is coming along. But you’re just not certain you’re going to have enough, and you want to really be in a position to travel and enjoy life. This uncertainty has gradually begun to invade your thoughts, turning into a dull anxiety that causes you more grief than you had imagined.

You’re beginning to get concerned about the US and World economy, and how that’s going to impact your business. The dollar’s value is eroding faster than a snowball in a heat wave. And you see the constant news stories about how more and more countries are moving away from the dollar. On top of that, you’re also being bombarded with discussions of a looming recession, bank and real estate collapses, and the debate over a “soft landing.”

If you’re like many business owners, you probably fit into one of those categories. Even if not, you may simply want to hedge your bets for the future, and be more prepared for how it might impact your business.

I know we certainly do!

So We Created Our Own Framework...

My business partner, John Sanpietro, and I both feel all of those same pressures. His son is about to head off to college. My two older children are on their own, but my youngest two are 8 and 13, and I wonder what world I am leaving them.

And so, for the past several years, we've been trading and investing in various ways, trying to find the best possible way to mitigate these situations. Our objective was simple:

It had to take minimal time, be as low risk as possible and potentially generate healthy returns to allow me and my businesses to make up for lost time.

See, I lost every penny of my retirement in 2002. I had amassed a nice retirement for someone in his early 30’s. I was on track to a very healthy retirement in later life.

But I let family peer pressure me into cashing out my retirement (even paying the 10% IRS penalty on it) and putting it into our family construction company. It ended up being the biggest financial mistake of my life, and it cost me millions.

So no… I couldn’t afford a simplistic “buy and hold” investment mindset now. I’m in my 50’s and looking to scale things up quickly and I needed something that could potentially deliver results much faster.

John is also in his mid 50’s, and although he has a solid retirement in traditional IRA accounts, he wanted to retire from his businesses sooner. His son has big college goals, and he and his family want to relocate to Europe and live abroad. All that takes more money than he had planned for, as well.

Neither of us could wait for the “slow churn” of traditional investing. But more importantly, our businesses couldn’t take on the additional risk either.

We said that we’ve tried everything, and we have. We’ve done well with Crypto, and still continue to trade it, but it’s complex and time consuming. And even though I have made as much as $25k a month day-trading Crypto, day-trading is just not conducive to the lifestyle I want — too much screen time, stress and drama! And John won’t even touch day trading in his businesses.

So I began trading tons of Options in the stock market, approaching it with the military discipline and tenacity of a pit bull and the precision of a nuclear engineer. I invested tens of thousands in training, programs and coaching. I even day-traded SPY (the ticker symbol for the S&P500) with various different Options and spread strategies as well.

I was successful with it, after a lot of painful losses, but it just failed the lifestyle test. Day trading meant I had to be glued to the computer all day, at the worst time of the day for me. I couldn’t take the kids to school because I was trading. I couldn't pick them up either because I had open trades I was stressing over.

In short, I was glued to the computer and had no life.

And for what?

That’s the worst part of it. Sure I had some great wins, but I also had a lot of losses. Even though my businesses made money overall with a decent win rate, it was a constant emotional and stress-inducing rollercoaster ride.

This was NOT what I was looking for.

But in the massive amount of iterations and strategies that my businesses traded, I found one that was promising. It didn’t make thousands of dollars a day like was possible with day trading, but it almost never lost money, and it did make thousands per month gradually over time.

That really resonated with me, NOT losing money most of the time and building consistently month over month, not the big emotional swings of 30% losses with day trading. And so I went much deeper in my study of it.

But what I didn’t like about this strategy were two things:

It was recommending slow moving monthly trades. As I stated above, I needed to make money faster and had to make up for lost time. Monthly cycle trades were just not going to do it.

It involved owning stock and I am just not a fan of that. I’m very bearish on the economy and the stock market, in general. So, I wanted something that didn’t require me to own stock, per se. I wanted to be more disassociated with the market while still benefiting from it.

And so, I continued to refine and alter my approach. My good friend, John Sanpietro, joined me, and we began to experiment in our businesses with various refinements to this tried and true, slow-moving strategy that has been so successful for many in the industry.

This “Wheel Strategy,” as it’s called, is widely recognized as one of the most consistent winning strategies available for trading Options. It’s documented as one of the safest ways to trade Options, including a pivotal study by Goldman Sachs that analyzed and recommended this approach. It’s even one of the strategies Warren Buffet uses to buy stock at a discount.

Nothing is ever 100% safe, of course, but it’s generally regarded as low risk. So much so that you and your business can even trade it with the lowest level of Options approvals. It’s even approved for trading within most IRA accounts (depending upon your broker’s requirements).

So, we had the strategy… but it just wasn’t in perfect alignment with our businesses’ income requirements, as well as the speed of that income accumulation. And so, the experimentation began.

What came out the other end was our own framework that, while based upon the commonly-acknowledged best strategy for Options trading, improves upon it.

Our framework is easier to learn

Our framework is based on weekly results and compounding, not monthly

Our framework can work with even smallish accounts in the $4k or $5k level, not requiring you to have a $150k invested to get results

We believe our framework is ultra simple

Our framework does not require you to be an Options guru to learn it. In fact, even if you’ve never traded options or don’t even know what an Option is, you can likely easily pick it up.

Our framework reduces the likelihood of holding stock. Sometimes it can’t be avoided, but we reduce the risks that others just accept. We don’t accept them, we avoid them and have designed our framework to help you do the same, as much as possible.

Our framework can help produce positive results, and produce them potentially a lot faster. Our target is 1% a week instead of just 1% or 2% a month. That doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but 1% a week compounds into about 68% a year. 1% or 2% a month is about 1/3 of that. We can’t guarantee that 1% a week number, of course, but that is the target we shoot for. We have students who routinely hit or even exceed that metric.

Best of all, our framework can take as little as 1-2 hours a week of your time once you have learned it.

And here’s one more thing that's really more important than anything else I’ve mentioned so far.

“This Framework is designed to be
Easy For You to Follow”

See, here’s what many traders in this industry won’t tell you. They are inherently good traders, if not exceptional traders. And even though they can produce phenomenal results, it doesn’t mean they can teach you to do the same.

John and I have experienced this first hand. We’ve paid tens of thousands to Options gurus that, while great traders, were lousy teachers. Most of their teachings were chest-thumping ego trips showing how good they were at everything.

Look, it doesn’t matter how well we can trade this framework. What matters — the only thing that matters — is how easy is it for YOUR Business to get results! We’re all adults here and you know we cannot guarantee anyone will repeat our exact performance, of course.

We do not try to impress you with our knowledge of Options. In fact, we completely avoid that entirely. We don’t confuse you with tons of jargon, keeping it to a minimum. Of course, there is some learning required…

We focus on a 1% approach

The 1% focus is super important in this framework. It doesn’t just apply to goals though, it applies to our entire low ball mindset and philosophy. It is a mantra that carries through in everything that we practice and teach and one that is the key to YOUR success:

We only teach you the 1% you need to know.

We don’t overwhelm you with trading insanity. We focus on the bare minimum you need to know to help you produce consistent weekly results.

We only require 1% effort. 

We know you’re busy. Hell, we’re busy too. John has another company, and I run five companies. This has to be a minimal effort program for us to do it, too. That’s why we’ve designed it to be a program that can potentially be run in just 1-2 hours of time per week.

We focus on 1% a week goals.

The target of the framework is for you to grow your portfolio by an average of potentially 1% a week. Some weeks may be more, some less. Some weeks you may have no capital to trade and make nothing. But our core goal is to set a low expectation that we can generally hit and keep that account size compounding week after week. John and I, and many of our students trading this strategy, rarely have losing trades or, even rarer yet, a losing week. Since we are paid cash premiums the moment we sell the option, we are setting ourselves up the best way possible to potentially generate positive results over and over again, potentially every week.

In the Low Stress Options Program™, we teach you how to USE the stock market to potentially create cashflow, NOT by owning the stock (unless you want to, in which case we’ll show you how that can work too, it’s just not our preference), but rather… teaching you how to capitalize on market trends so you can ideally succeed, potentially each and every week.

It doesn’t always work out that way, of course. In the beginning, if you have a small account, you may not have any results in some weeks. It is also possible that you could lose money if a company you are trading goes out of business, or gets delisted from the NYSE/NASDAQ, or something equally odd. Trading is fickle that way, and there certainly are risks.

We’re not greedy, but we simply don’t believe that a 30-35% losing rate is acceptable — that is why we just loathe day trading.

If you’re going to be a day trader, well, you have to accept that. You have to get comfortable with losing 30-35% of the time. Day trading is all about winning a little more on your wins than you lose on your losses. Some day traders only win about 55% of the time. Sadly, most day traders blow up their accounts because of the insane amount of mental discipline that it takes to be successful, not to mention a massive amount of experience and experimentation.

We avoid nearly all of that stress and drama.

We Don't Like Losing

Our framework is designed to potentially help our students win about 98% of the time. Now, it’s the stock market, so occasionally you can lose even within our framework, even if you do everything absolutely perfectly. Sudden news events, financial crashes, global pandemics and a plethora of other “uncontrollable life events” could happen at any time that could have a severe or even catastrophic impact on the global financial markets. No one can control any of that, and anyone that tells you anything different is someone you should run from. Any form of investing: trading stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, Forex, Crypto, and even Options can involve losses and always involves a degree of risk.

The only time I personally lost money (so far), I completely deserved it and actually did it on purpose. I purposely traded on a company that had announced bankruptcy.

Why the heck would I do that?

Simple. I wanted to see how the process would unfold, and since I had never lost any of my personal trades yet, I needed to experience it and create a case study around it (which I did, and it's now part of the training you will have access to). In fact, the company still had about a 50/50 chance of not losing money, and the amount I invested was small. In the end, I ended up losing $17 total in the experiment. (This is all documented in the training you will receive access to after your purchase.)

Why am I telling you this?

Because we will never tell you that you can’t lose money. Sure, it’s possible. But I’m telling you this because the only time I ever did, after thousands of trades at this point, was when I actually tried to! But look, let’s be direct here. I have those many thousands of trades under my belt, experience and a background that is used to this type of thing. I’m also 100% certain that, at some point in the future, probably even this year, I’ll have a trade go south on me and lose some money. No one can avoid that.

It’s why we would never promise a 100% success rate. That’s simply not possible in a world where things are in constant flux. But our framework does potentially allow our students to win at a very high rate compared to traditional stock trading and that means you are generally moving your portfolio forward week after week... after week.

Whether you want to draw that money out and use it for your business, or just allow it to accumulate in your account and compound for long-term growth — it’s up to you. But the fact that it get results most every week, means that you see consistent growth over time.

These are weekly results from my business trading account over the last year. By the way, you will see us trading our own accounts live every week on the calls for educational purposes. We don’t hide anything. We screen share and show you our accounts, as well as all of our trades while we do them (more on that later). But take a look at these recent weekly gains:

These are not “typical results,” and we cannot, of course, guarantee you’ll see the same types of returns or any returns at all for that matter. Please see our full disclaimer at the bottom of the page. Like everything, many people will do nothing at all and, therefore, get no results at all.

I also have a pretty large account, and even with my account size and experience, you see the results vary quite a bit from week to week. In the beginning, especially if you have a smallish account, you may see no gains at all some weeks. This weekly variation is normal because the market naturally fluctuates from week to week.

There are a couple of “pink elephants” on those returns that I want to call your attention to. It’s the week of 9/4 when I only achieved 0.88%, failing to hit the 1% target. Also the weeks of 1/15/2024 and 3/18/2024.

I could have easily manipulated the results those weeks to hit the 1% target. There are lots of trading tricks I could have done to generate just a few dollars more that week just to make sure I hit that 1% number, our mantra of the program.

But we don’t play games with money, and neither John nor I play games with our stats either. The truth is the truth, and we tell you that while we shoot for 1% a week, and frequently exceed that number, what we’re really looking for is just an average of 1% per week or thereabouts, and we’re happy with that result.

You can scan those weekly numbers above and clearly see that my average is far exceeding 1% and so is John’s. Of course, the number varies from week to week, But yes, there will be weeks that you make less than 1%.

Another thing I want to make sure and point out is this is not a savings plan. You don’t just deposit money, do nothing and collect interest. If you want to do that, it’s easy, just go to the bank. 

Here’s what you’ll find from about putting your money in the bank:

Looks pretty good, right? At first glance it appears that way. But let’s look a little bit deeper and you’ll see this quote in a recent article from 10/5/2023:

Yep… that’s not a typo! After an entire year of putting your money in the bank you’ll have an extra 0.45% more money! Compare that to my 2.30% per week average, which would be approximately 227% annualized. Or more realistically just to a target 1% a week average which would turn into approximately 68% annualized.

So let’s follow their hypothetical $10,000 example to its conclusion. If you put $10,000 in your business bank account, and collected 0.45% interest, your business would make $45. Even if you put that $10,000 into one of the new “higher interest-rate” savings accounts, and earned 4.5% interest, your business would only generate $450 for your trouble. At the same time, $10,000 invested using our Low Stress Options framework and getting just a paltry 1% a week could have theoretically yielded $16,776.89.

Put $10k in the bank, and you could, maybe, pay your Starbucks bill for the month. Putting $10k into our framework could have theoretically yielded $16,776.89 in that same account.

Of course, these are not typical results and cannot be guaranteed. You’re an adult, you get that. Every week will vary. Some weeks probably more, some weeks likely less, and some weeks even $0 — especially if you do nothing and don’t trade. But this contrived and theoretical example just goes to show you the potential power of small, weekly compounded results.

I encourage you to walk down this path of seeing what 1% a week can potentially do for you by using this 1% weekly calculator we created for you here:

Play with it. Look at what adding just $25 a week does to the growth, or $50 a week, or $500 a week! Input your starting account size (you can just type in a custom value, you don’t have to use the drop down), use 1% as your weekly return and set a weekly contribution amount that makes sense for your budget. When you do, you’ll begin to see that, in just 1-2 hours a week, you can potentially create substantial results for your business in just 3 to 5 years that could allow you to make up for lost time. Just make sure you understand this is a theoretical extrapolation and not any type of guarantee. Remember, if you want guarantees, put your money in the bank instead and collect that astounding 1-4% a year! (Yes, I'm being sarcastic)

John and I use this calculator a lot, because as our accounts grow, we then change our forecasting based off of the tool, reassessing our actual results against our forecast. Continual improvement. Continual refinement.

“Making Up For Lost Time”

That’s exactly how I am using our Low Stress Options™ strategy in my business — to try and make up for some lost time. I’ve been stealing myself wealthy since March of 2023 when this account started with a zero balance and I’m not looking back. I have been finding all sorts of creative ways to put more into my account, so it accelerates the growth even faster.

And as you can see from my weekly results, it’s doing great and already producing a six-figure level side income. For the first several months I just let it compound and grow and didn’t withdraw anything. Just recently, I began taking some weekly income distributions.

But you can use your weekly results in your business however you see fit:

To potentially supplement an anemic retirement account

To expand your team or marketing budget to grow your business faster

To pay your rent or mortgage payment and maybe offset some expenses

To offset erratic company income lulls in your entrepreneurial business

To generate the results to allow you to put a much bigger down payment on a home purchase you’ve been saving up for

Or whatever other reason makes sense to you

If you’re anything like me, when you see the power of this potential 1% a week approach, you’ll get so excited you’ll do some of the things I am personally doing like:

I set up a separate account that covers the expense of sending $1k a month down to Brazil. No longer an “expense”, I can now “self-fund” it off of my weekly results, instead.

Set up an account for my brother to help my brother pay off his mortgage faster. Some weeks, it does better than others, but it is continuing to grow nearly every week.

I’ve even set up my children as employees, and pay them a small salary so that they have earned income and can open a ROTH IRA. And yes, it is a custodial IRA, and yes… I use their salary to trade their way wealthy as well, putting the leverage of time to maximum benefit for them. Heck, my 8-year old son is now officially an Options Trader, and all of my children may potentially be able to retire 25+ years sooner than me, harnessing time to their advantage. 

John is using it to supplement his retirement and allow him to potentially retire two years sooner than he had planned! He, too, has been putting more and more money into his account to allow it to grow even quicker. He’s also double-dipping, using the principles of leveraged income that Maximo taught me. He is planning to relocate to Europe where his dollar earns him even more (at least for now, yikes… don’t get me started on the devaluing of the dollar)

John is getting his teenage son started in trading, as well, to begin to save for his own retirement, yes starting now... as a teenager.

Both of my older children have also set up taxable trading accounts and I’m helping them to do the same as teens and young 20-somethings… (geez, I wish someone had taught this to ME in my 20's...)

My wife has also picked up a trick or two. She’s been selling all of my unused electronics and other items on eBay and putting that into our Brazilian fund account. We joke in the Broussard household that if I can't find something, it’s ’cuz mom sold it on eBay! She even does a little GrubHub delivery work here in the Orlando area and makes a couple hundred or so a week that she uses to fund the growth of her account too.

I’m sure when you get caught up in the power of watching potential 1% a week gains compounding in your portfolio, you may come up with some clever ways to put more money into your account, too. It’s contagious!

Heck, I even sold my big bad black Suburban RST for $50k cash and threw it into my account, instead. It’s kind of a no-brainer. I would look at it sitting in the driveway, and visually see $100 bills just burning up as it depreciated and, as one of 3 vehicles we own, I realized it just wasn’t needed.

Now I can turn that $50k potentially into much more in a year with just 1-2 hours a week of time, the 1% a week way, turning a depreciating liability into a cash asset in the process. Of course, there are no guarantees... but again, not much in life is guaranteed except, ahem... death! (and taxes... which feel about the same, right?)

“Profit and Simplicity”

Look, there are lots of different types of Options trading strategies out there, tons of them in fact. They also all seem to have these odd sexual innuendo-based names that make me chuckle (not sure what that says about traders... haha):

Here are a few you might have heard of:

Naked Puts (Ooh… “sexy”)

Covered Calls (Keeping it PG-13)

Married Puts (Oh, NOW we’re getting serious)

Bull Call/Put Spreads (No, not going there...)

Bear Call/Put Spreads (Or here...)

Protective Collar (Is that like a Chasity Belt?)

Long Straddle (Oh… don’t get me started!)

Long Strangle (Do you strangle AFTER you straddle? What’s the proper etiquette here? I’m so confused…)

Butterfly Spreads (No... definitely not gonna go here…)

Iron Butterfly (Ouch! Sounds painful)

Poor Man’s Covered Calls (Wait... Is this the “off strip” Vegas experience?)

And on and on and on…

But in Low Stress Options™, well… it’s in the name!


We’re not trying to make you experts in every aspect of Options trading. Nor are we going to teach you every single nuance of these many (MANY) strategies. Nope, not at all. We’re simply not qualified to teach most of those strategies even if we wanted to… and we don’t.

That definitely NOT the Low Stress approach.

We keep it SUPER simple. 

We only use ONE primary strategy about 80% of the time and, sometimes, a second one, but that’s it!


Because money is boring if you are doing it right. As a former nuke engineer, trust me, we like boring... we don’t welcome surprises when overseeing a nuclear reactor cruising along at X knots and Y feet under the Atlantic in a submarine (sorry, X and Y are classified).

And the Low Stress Options™ program is all about potentially making a boring 1% or so a week on your portfolio, AND doing it IN THE LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME POSSIBLE!

This last point is super important.

We’re not looking to spend all day looking at the computer and chasing the market. With this strategy, you can realistically spend just an hour or two a week, and potentially crank out 1% or more a week pretty darned easily.

Options can be rather complex, but don’t worry, we’re not going to go there! We are not trying to impress you with how much we know about options. We simply focus on the 1% of knowledge you need to know and nothing more.

And ya know what? Even if you hate the concept of trading, this is the perfect program for you. Think of it the way I explained it to my 26 year-old son the other day.

He just rented an apartment. He’s not a trader and really isn’t inspired to become one. So, I asked him if he liked taking out the garbage in his apartment, vacuuming, and washing the dishes.

“Hell no!” was his appropriate response. I mean, seriously, who likes that stuff?

But that couple of hours a week you spend cleaning the apartment is what allows you to enjoy the rest of your time in it. If you didn’t do that, you’d likely land yourself on an episode of Hoarders! No one likes cleaning, but you do it to enjoy your house or apartment.

So I encouraged him to think of trading the same way, and he got it. He could just spend a couple of hours a week taking care of his money and, in turn, it would begin to take care of him.

Which brings me to my next point…

There Are Only TWO TYPES of People...

If you are anything like me, you’re sick and tired of all of the divisiveness in our culture today. I am not just talking about politics, and I really don’t care what side of that fence you sit on. What I’m talking about is something deeper.

Our culture has become divisive.

All we hear about are all of these “us vs. them” divisive and emotional triggering political, health, environmental, etc. topics that put us on one side of the fence or the other.

It’s all just designed to manipulate us and distract us from the only real division that exists. The only true division of people in this entire world is:

Those that work for money

Those who have learned to harness the power & leverage of time and force money to work for them!

I really want you to think about that for a bit. This is a discussion that John and I have all of the time — how to potentially put our money to work for us. It really is the great equalizer.

Sure, it still generally takes around 1-2 hours a week or more of our time. So, no, it’s not truly passive. Honestly, I don’t believe in the concept of “passive” income anyway. I think it’s a myth propagated by those looking for shortcuts. What cannot be doubted, however, is that there are various degrees of leveraged income. 

Flipping burgers as an employee is 100% non-leveraged income, as is most any job (unless you have some profit-sharing). But working just 1-2 hours a week, and seeing your hourly rate continually grow week after week by potentially 1% or more? That Is absolutely leveraged income.

If that 2 hours of weekly work in Low Stress Options™ starts out just making you $200 a week, then you’re working for $100 an hour. But as the power of time and potential 1% weekly compounding increases, so does your hourly income. This past week, as you can see in the chart above, I made $3500. So my hourly rate has gotten to a healthy $1750 an hour (much higher now since this sales page was written).

An options trading mentor of mine who, by the way, is just a little older than my son, is trading a 7-figure account. His 1-2 hours a week makes him tens of thousands per week. He frequently shows large five-figure monthly draws from his account, and he’s not even touching the principle. Even taking that much out, his account keeps growing. 

Of course, we can’t guarantee you’ll reach those numbers. No one can. In fact, you should run away, not walk, from anyone making any such guarantees or claims for you. No one can guarantee your results. Ever.

So, yeah, you’ll work for your results, but that 1-2 hours a week generally doesn’t change much even as your business portfolio grows. This means, you’re leveraging your time more and more, week over week.

Low Stress & Low Yield... Or is it?

You may be asking yourself, “C'mon Troy & John... ok, the Low Stress and low time commitment part I get… love that… but low yield?”

Well, let me explain. Yes, it’s only about 1% a week or thereabouts. Actually, I’m being purposely conservative on that number because I really want to under sell it and not overhype it to you. 

Now, again, you may be saying to yourself, “But, geez... 2.30%? You make 20% and 30% on {Crypto|Forex|etc.} trades all the time. Why get excited about 1.0% or even 2.30%?”

Here are MANY reasons why:

#1 — This approach generally wins at a very high rate. Yep, it almost never loses (I haven’t lost money on any Options trade using this strategy yet in several months, except for than one previously mentioned intentional loss… but there are some “odd” scenarios that can occur every now and then, and I’m certain more may potentially cause me to take some small loss esat some point in the future. But don’t worry, we talk about that too).

#2 — 1% a week is really 68% a year! Yeah, depending upon how you do your math, and whether you consider 365 days or 252 trading days, compounding or not, etc… But let’s not get greedy, let’s go with the lower number and say it’s just 68%. That is a 68% potential growth rate in ONE YEAR! That is an insanely high return, and when you couple that with the 98%+ win rate, you may get that return because you won’t have losses offsetting it.

Of course, all of this assumes you were to consistently get 1% every week. Naturally, this is theoretical and not any type of guarantee. It’s simply the metric we shoot for in our framework. You can see from my weekly results posted above that it varies.

With potentially 68% per year compounding interest, you could possibly go from a $10k account to as much as a $47k account in 3 years… and to $132k in 5 years… and to a whopping $227k in 6 years! Again, all of this is theoretical with lots of assumptions.

Now, let’s do some more math. Even assuming these low potential 1% numbers, you could then potentially take 1% of, say, $200k out each week as your “draw.” That could potentially generate as much as an $8k monthly income stream.

All this assumes only a 1% a week gain AND assumes you never put any more money into the account.

Now, you won’t be able to sustain the 2.30% a week average I’m seeing as your account grows, in fact, mine is trending lower now as well. As the account grows, the percentages tend to go a bit lower. So don’t look at this as some sort of “this will happen” scenario or claim, but just a theoretical exercise showing you the potential.

And by the way, when you start approaching $500k and up in your account, it can become a little more of a challenge to keep those same percentages. However, at that level of account size, it doesn’t really matter, either... 

#3 — You can do it with near ZERO fees. Yep, we’re going to show you two different accounts (and yes, I have them both), with two different brokerages. One of them has nearly zero fees. Near zero fees means your money grows faster (fees are just 0.03 per contract).

#4 — You can do it without any margin requirements in most countries or usually worrying about “pattern day trader” issues. Because we never buy and sell the same day, there's no need for the $25k account type required for margin and day trading laws. And we don’t require margin either. In fact, I just went through a ton of work to take margin OFF of my account — it is simply not needed and just adds risk and complexity. You can use it if you want, but we neither require or teach it in this program.

#5 — You almost never actually own the stock (unless you want to). We only sell insurance… or Options... on the stock. That means, in most cases, we generally don’t even take possession of the stock. Even when they try to assign it to us, we cleverly avoid it most of the time AND get paid even more in the process! If you want to take possession of the stock, you can. We just choose not to most of the time, and make more money in the process.

Occasionally, you won’t have a choice, and will be assigned stock shares, but our framework helps shift the odds in your favor. And even if you are assigned, we teach you how to deal with that, in a potentially profitable manner, too.

#6 — You can trade the U.S. market internationally too. Even if you’re not a U.S. citizen, and/or live in a different country, you’ll likely be able to open an account with the U.S. brokerages unless you’re on their banned list. If that’s the case, then all we can do is provide you with some GPS coordinates to a better place to live, or use an international brokerage of your choice and trade the U.S. market. We do have a preferred international brokerage that many of our international students use that we can direct you to.

#7 — You can do it in about 1-2 hours a week, very realistically. Sure, when you’re first getting started it may take a bit more time, but once you master the framework 1-2 hours a week is easy to achieve.

The way your account can grow is mind boggling if you can consistently add a little money to the account on a weekly basis to further the growth.

See below:

Hell, I’m even considering selling off the other two vehicles that I own free and clear, buying a used low-cost vehicle instead, and throwing another $125k into the account! Had I known of this approach 20 years ago, I might have potentially retired in my early 30’s! And it’s been around that long for sure… much longer.

It Made Me a Better Marketer

I have even put the entire proceeds from product sales from my other marketing business into this account. In fact, it’s helped me to become more prolific in creating and emailing more consistently because I’m so excited to add the money into my trading account.

The simplicity of that 1% weekly consistent mindset has spilled over into other areas of my life as well, reducing anxiety and focusing on simple, consistent growth and improvement.

Why Us?

But guys, why should we buy from you? You’ve only been trading options for a short time…

Indeed, we have. I began, full disclosure, to trade options in October of 2022 — that was my first Options trade. So you’re not wrong. John got started with me at about the same time, though both of us have traded stocks for decades.

So what you really have to ask yourself is...

What is your goal?

If your goal is to learn all of the theoretical science behind the Options greeks or how to do a “double-blind death strangle with a twist” (ok, I just made that one up… but I have done 100’s of Iron Condors)… then, yeah, I’m not your guy and neither is John.

But if you want to learn what we believe is the simplest way to trade options:

for pretty consistent results

with fairly low risk of loss

with a very high win rate to consistently grow your portfolio

that likely takes just a couple hours of work a week

…then we’re exactly who you’re looking for.

The fact that we don’t do all of that “fancy stuff” is not a limitation. In fact, it’s a benefit to you because we will not waste your time with the risky stuff, or bulk up the strategy with unnecessary information. That’s what you’re getting when you learn from us.

Just to be clear, it is not that we don’t know how to do spreads and other complex option trades. We just ditch their complexity and risk for a simpler way... a “Low Stress” way.

Look, I’ve made 520% on an option trade in 4 days. I’ve day traded options and made over $6k in a day. But I've also lost thousands with these more complex strategies, as well. It takes soooo much time and experience to master them, and even when you do, they still only have about a 60 to 70% win rate. That’s not bad, but it still means you’ll be taking a lot of losses.

At this point in our lives, both John and I are much more content with smaller results that are fairly consistent, require much less management time and a very low loss rate. If that resonates with you, then this is the program for you. On the other hand, if your goal is just to learn everything you can about trading Options, in all of its nuance and complexity, we’re definitely NOT the right guys for you.

Our promise to you is to not go deep into the woods of Options… but to just keep you on the outskirts, learning what you need and nothing more.

This perceived weakness is actually our strength. The weakness of not having 20 years of Options trading is what makes us exactly who you want to work with.

If you hire someone else to learn all of the complexities of Options, I can assure you that you will pay 5x-10x (or more) for the privilege of being confused as hell for about 2 years or more, AND will likely lose a lot of money in trading mistakes with those crazy complex spreads and other tactics! The amount of crazy complexities and subtleties of Options trading is mind-blowing and exhausting. We simply avoid 99% of that and focus on what can work better.

In full disclosure, I paid $11,000 for my Day Trading & Swing Trading Options training, and it only focused on one strategy. In full and blatant transparency, here are the receipts from that $11,000 investment. I want you to KNOW that I know the value of training and take this very seriously.

We simply have no desire for any of the complexity that most teach.

This Low Stress Options™ model is all about low and slow, super-simple, 1% a week potential gains with as little time as possible invested. Boring and predictable. Simple to manage. Nothing to keep studying, researching and learning.

And not taught by guys full of themselves trying to impress you with all they know. (That guy I bought the $11k training with is the most arrogant a**hole I’ve ever met).

Instead, it’s being taught by two guys that value their time more than anything else, practice what they preach, and are teaching how to leverage more and more of that precious time with Options.

Boring, simple, consistent, low stress… That’s what we’re focusing on here. Unexciting little consistent results, potentially week in and week out.

Who Is This For?

If you have a desire to work less and just “use” trading as a way of providing that escape…

If you don’t love trading, but just want consistent results for your business that have the potential to far outpace the bank or other investment mechanisms…

If you prioritize your time, and the freedom it brings, over money (but money is still important)

If you’re uncertain of our economy and future in this country (world?), and want to just have some more peace of mind…

If you’re not really looking to learn more or devote yourself to becoming a trader, but just want a brain dead simple and consistent strategy you can execute on…

If you’re totally fine making potentially 1% a week, sometimes a little more… sometimes a little less... and willing to be patient and let it grow…

If you aren’t compulsively fiddling with everything all of the time and can actually enjoy the simplicity…

If you have at least $4000 or $5000 to invest into your brokerage account and a couple hours of time a week during open market hours…

If you can be happy and content with a potential “paltry” 1% a week growth rate… (which could yield as much as 68% or more annually)

Well... then this is the program for you.

What you WON’T Get...

Pompous instructors with decades of “attitude, pedigree and more knowledge than patience or teaching ability

A focus on impressing you with our knowledge of Options and constant teaching of new techniques, sending you down the rabbit hole of forever feeling like you have to learn MORE...

Any requirements to buy any other software. Down the road, you may want to invest in an options screener we use, but that’s it, and it is certainly not required when you’re just getting started. There are no indicators you have to buy. No charting software you have to invest in. Nope. Everything you need is either free or included in your brokerage account.

An “alert only” service that only sends you trade alerts but never teaches you how to research your own picks. We believe in not just giving you the fish, but teaching you to fish as well! While we don’t give trades or provide trading advice, we do give notifications of the trades we take and how we apply our framework as educational examples to learn from.

What You WILL Get...

We’ll cover brokerage selection, account setup & helping you get authorized for Options trading

We’ll teach you the simple trading approach we use and nothing more — this is all about keeping it simple

Training on how to select the right stocks to trade Options on so you can pick your own

We’ll cover how to implement this particular type of Option strategy on both platforms we support

We’ll teach you the Charting Best Practices used to select the right stocks according to our framework as well as the best likely entry point strategies to avoid as much future drama as possible

We’ll also teach you Troy’s Charting Best Practices to document and manage your trades visually if you like

Weekly live coaching with John and Troy dedicated to Options. On the call we will do live Options trading, and you can place your trades at the same time, if you want. We’ll do the call during live trading hours, but if you can’t make it because of work and such, it’s not a problem. You’ll get the recording and can enter your trades later. After all, you’re only trying to get a 1% potential yield, so if you miss the early morning entry you can get them the next day. It’s really not that big of a deal.

Every trade we take will be posted in a separate Telegram channel dedicated to Low Stress Options™ for you to follow along. We’ll give you the ticker, strike price, and all of the details. These are not trade alerts nor advice, but notifications of what we’re doing and how to apply our framework for teaching and educational purposes.

A very consistent schedule. We’ll tell you when to place orders, and when not to. We’ll give you the absolute framework for when to push out the expiration date of our positions (don’t worry, we’ll explain it) and what time of day to double-check your open trades.

We’ll go into detail about the “assignment” process and why we prefer to avoid it, but how, even if it happens, it’s not a big deal and can potentially be very profitable.

We’ll teach you the strategy of how to get your fees reduced if you’re on our fee-based platform recommendation.

We’ll cover how to leverage Covered Calls if you prefer to take assignment and hold the stock. And yes, we’ll explain the pros and cons of it all and why you may or may not want to as well.

You’ll get access to the Low Stress Options™ community — an active, thriving group of fellow traders who share successes, answer questions (sometimes faster than we do) and encourage each other.

You’ll get access to the training for a minimum of six months, or for as long as you stay subscribed.

And, of course... a whole lotta us... “priceless”... haha... on weekly live training calls showing you exactly what we’re doing and the Options we’re selling!

Troy A. Broussard

John Sanpietro

All For Just...

Our competitors charge $4000, $5000, $7000, $10,000 and even $11,500 for programs that, while full of training and options expertise, will likely leave you dazed, confused and thousands lighter in the pocket book. Worse yet, you may very well lose many thousands more on their risky and advanced Options strategies!

I paid $11,500 for training that, so far, has not even made me my money back. In fact, I have lost a few thousand MORE using that training! Don’t confuse experience with results. John and I may not have 20 years of Options trading experience, but what we do have is a simple and consistent approach that will generally get your results, small 1% to 2% a week results for your business, potentially over and over and over again each week if you do the work.

TOTAL VALUE: $11,500

The total value for everything included in the Low Stress Options™ Program is $11,500, however, for a limited time, you can signup today for just $1000!

Today Just One Payment Of


Then, just $100 a month after 60 days for ongoing coaching assistance, Trade Notifications & realtime trading.

(You’ll have access to the course for at least six months From your date of original purchase)

Look if you’ve been paying attention at all, you have surely seen our competitors charge you $4000 and higher annually for their offer.

We Simply Do Not Do Business That Way!

We’re jaded by the industry, too, so it is our sincere intention to massively over-deliver on our training, LIVE calls and ongoing assistance to you and do it all at a massive discount compared to what others charge!

Just One Payment
of $1000 Today!



We do not offer refunds, partial or otherwise, on digital and live training products under any circumstances. If you just want to “try it out” and are not committed to increasing your Options trading skills, then please do not waste your money or our time. We do not make exceptions to this rule, so consider your purchase and your willingness to participate carefully.

NOTE: All live trainings will be recorded and you will have access to them regardless of whether or not you can attend live. The trainings will all be accessible on both desktop and mobile access via our platform.


NOTE: This bonus will only be delivered after the new adjusted monthly billing begins. So, in other words, in 60+ days.

There are a couple of reasons for this. If you’re not staying in the group, then the bonus will be of no value to you and a waste of our time — just being candid. Sorry, not sorry… <grin>

But more importantly, it’s because of the following…

We can provide you much more help after you have gone through the entire program and have executed some trades on your own first. 

So, after the subscription starts, you’ll get a one-on-one (or two-on-one) 40-minute consultation with either John, myself or both of us (depending upon availability) to assist you in any way we can. Please note, we are not financial planners, and cannot give you specific financial advice. For that, please consult with your designated professional.

This is where we’re supposed to List All Sorts of Testimonials...

You have surely seen the “normal” sales pages chock-full of screen prints of testimonials of students making a million dollars in their first week and all sorts of hype over substance absurd claims. They range from screen shots from social platforms to the even more dubious event style video testimonials (all with the same conveniently consistent background clearly all done on the same day). 

You know the ones I’m talking about... they all have the same event backdrop behind them and they give these glowing hyped up reviews with really lame general comments like, “These guys were great to work with,” and stuff like that. Totally generic and meaningless. But worse yet, they actually raise more objections than they solve. Personally, they always come across low-budget and cheesy and are an immediate red-flag. 

Look we respect you as a business owner and know that you’re more savvy than to fall for gimmicky shenanigans and generic non-validated endorsements. That is one of the reasons that we don’t include testimonials. But there are several others as well:

No one else’s success or failure impacts yours. The simple truth is that just because someone else made $xyz does not have any bearing on whether you will. You have different experience. You likely have a different amount of capital to trade with. You might not trade as actively. You might be a really quick learner and move faster. 

There truly are no typical results. Because of these facts above, everyone’s individual results simply will be unique. There is simply no way we could ever imply or guarantee you would get a specific result and if we showed a bunch of our stellar students results, you would likely just be skeptical that they were “cherry-picked” anyway. So what’s the point?

You’re Jaded & Skeptical. And RIGHTFULLY so! The financial market is littered with dubious offers of questionable merit with big claims. We don't conduct our business that way. Do you have to make a leap of faith? Yes, of course. But do we do everything to treat you like the professional business owner you are? Absolutely. And frankly, most of our sales come from referrals from our existing students. That only happens if you’re getting people real results not throwing up some lame Photoshop’ed testimonial pull quote pictured in front of a new Lambo... sigh...

Sadly, many do nothing. Look, I pride myself on my candor, so let’s not sugar coat this now. Many people, no matter how good the training or the information is, simply do not do the work. Let’s be honest, the gym industry knows this better than anyone. Why do you think there’s so many first of year promotions at ridiculously low cost? They probably sell 100x over their capacity at any given time because they know only a small percentage of people will actually get up off the comfy La-Z-Boy and haul their butts into the gym! You know it and I know it.

Heck, I have personally sold 1-on-1 trainings before for $10,000 and had people not even show up — yes, even after paying $10k!

Sadly, no matter what evidence or claims we might show you here from our stellar students, the truth is, many will still not get outta the La-Z-Boy. Please, if you’re not committed to making a real difference in your financial success and 100% ready to do the couple of hours a week it takes, just save your money and save our time. Because if you don’t show up and do the work, you’ll get nothing out of this program and, in that case, we really don’t want your money at all.

We have no desire to convince you. If you have made a sincere and earnest effort to read through this entire sales page, including the FAQ below and do not feel this is the right training program for you to learn how to trade Options, then you shouldn’t buy. It’s that simple. We don’t try to convince people to buy because history has taught us if we have to convince you to buy, we will also have to convince you to show up, watch the trainings, participate, trade, do your tracking, etc... We are not adult babysitters and we simply don’t need that drama. We will bend over backwards to sincerely and earnestly help those that put in the effort to help themselves, but we will not try to entice or convince. It is just not our way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much money do I need to get started? 

You can get started with as little as $4000 or $5000 in a brokerage account. Technically, you could get started with even less, but realistically, you can’t really trade this strategy if your account is too small. Having $4000 or $5000 will be ideal because it will allow you enough money to take some trades. If your account is too small, you won’t have enough money to place a trade or place new trades when one is locked up for a while.

Q: What trading platforms do you use?

We use ThinkOrSwim/Charles Schwab (formerly TDAmeritrade), which costs $0.66 per contract*, and RobinHood, which has a nominal $0.03 per contract fee. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and we’ll show you how to set up and use each one.

* NOTE: I only pay $0.41 per transaction on ThinkOrSwim. This is worth noting, because as your account and transaction volume increases, you can reach out to Charles Schwab and request they evaluate your account for a lower fee based upon trading volume. I did other swing and day trading and my account is pretty large, so my volume is pretty high. But it is possible to potentially reduce fees in time as your account and trade volume increases.

Please note, fees are different depending on the country you reside in. Please do your due diligence when researching fees in your country.

Q: Can you trade options in an IRA?

Most options strategies cannot be traded in IRAs because of their inherent complexity and high risk. But the Low Stress Options™ strategy we teach CAN be traded in your IRA or Roth IRA, as long as your brokerage allows it. You can even trade this strategy in a Custodial IRA.

Q: Can you trade options in My Canadian TFSA account?

You can trade Options yes, but generally TFSA accounts do not permit the selling of Puts. This means that it is not the ideal account type for this strategy as we rely primarily on selling Puts. Our suggestion would be to start out with a smaller account and learn the framework on a traditional brokerage account rather than a TFSA account. We do have additional, more advanced strategies  for sale that work with a TFSA account once you have mastered the Core Framework.

Q: Are options insured by the government?

In the United States, options are insured by SIPC (Securities Investment Protection Corporation). SIPC coverage provides:

  • Up to $500,000 in total coverage per customer (or per account, if the accounts are of separate capacities — more on this below) for lost or missing assets of cash and/or securities from a customer’s accounts held at the institution.
  • Up to $250,000 of that total can be applied to protect cash within a customer’s account that is not yet invested in securities.
  • Protection in case of unauthorized trading or theft from an account.

SIPC Insurance does NOT cover:

  • Investment losses or worthless stocks or other securities.
  • Losses due to account hacking, unless the firm was forced into liquidation due to the hack.
  • Claims against bad or inappropriate investment advice. As always, do your due diligence and invest at your own risk.

Q: When are the weekly calls?

Calls will be every Monday at 10:30 a.m. eastern. We do our weekly calls at this time because this is the ideal time to open up new options trades using this strategy. Can’t make the calls live? See below. Sometimes, Monday will be a trading holiday in the United States, and we move the call to Tuesday instead.

Q: Will you give us a list of your favorite stocks to trade?

We place all of our trades live on the weekly calls, so you’ll see exactly what we do. However, we would caution you to not have a “favorites” list. Instead, trade according to the parameters of the strategy we’re going to teach you. If your favorite stock doesn’t meet the criteria… even if it met it in the past, or you’ve traded it before… don’t trade it now.

In other words... just follow the framework!

Q: I can’t make the weekly calls live? Will I be missing my opportunity to get in on the trades?

Nothing to worry about. We record and post all of the calls, and even if you execute the trades a few hours later, you’re still likely going to be able to get in on them and hit your potential 1% a week goal. We’re selling weekly expiration Put Options, and that means that the timing is not as critical.

You can even place your trades at night, after hours, to sell the next morning. You can also easily monitor whether your orders were filled or not on your cell phone and, if you desire, adjust them within the app. Both platforms we use have great cell phone apps to trade with. Although we both use our desktop primarily for trading because it makes chart based research easier, it’s absolutely possible to do it all on the cell phone.

Q: Can’t I just Get these results with my money manager?

Anything is possible, but we have yet to a money manager that produces these types of results and the reason is simple, it takes work. Don’t get us wrong, we love money managers and John has used one for decades. But the truth is that it takes a couple of hours per week to manage your account and a money manager simply does not have that kind of time to devote to you. They are managing money for 100’s of clients and simply cannot spend that much time per client which is why they prefer passive management strategies like buy and hold (or as we like to call it, buy and hope) investing. So they simply do what is easier for them to do which is periodically adjust some of your stock holdings maybe once a quarter or so. But they simply are not going to spend 2 hours a week managing your account. Honestly, it’s a shame, because they could do so much better for you and them too if they did.

Q: Do you keep all of your money in the trading account?

Yes. The goal is to have as much of the money in the account as possible in active trades each week. Additionally, the funds (up to the previously stated limits) are insured by SIPC. Ultimately, however, this is your choice. As we like to say: your money, your choice. We personally leave our money in the account to grow it and compound it as fast as we can. Recently, though, Troy has begun to take some income profits out each week. It is really up to you what path you take.

Q: What is an Option? How is this different than buying or selling stock?

It’s a bit tough to answer this in a short answer, but here goes the 80/20 version…

When you buy or sell stock, you own the stock in that company. You can also buy single shares of stock, if you desire, according to your budget. If the stock goes up 50% you make 50%. However, if it goes down 35% you’re stuck with a 35% loss.

Options provide “insurance” to stockholders. They are sold in contracts of 100 shares of stock and their price is represented at a per share value. Let’s look at an example:

MARA is Marathon Digital, a Crypto related stock that I trade options on. For purposes of this example, let’s suppose it is trading near at a price of $19.31. Here is a weekly Put Option that might be available to sell as an example:

MARA 7/21 Put Strike Price of $16.5 for $0.32

Or the abbreviated form would like this:

MARA 7/21 16.5 P 0.32

This tells us that this is a Put Option, that it expires on 7/21/2023, that the Strike price of the option is $16.5 and that we will collect $0.32 per share, or $32 per contract we sell (remember, there are a 100 shares in an Options contract).

But let’s put this in “common language” so it makes sense.

We’re going to use $1650 of our cash in our account to “secure” as collateral the potential purchase of 100 shares of MARA at the price of $16.50 per share. We would only have to purchase those 100 shares IF AND ONLY IF the price of MARA were to drop below the $16.50 at the expiration date of 7/21. If the price is above $16.50 at the expiration of the contract on 7/21, 100% of our collateral is returned into our account the next morning. In either situation, the $32 in premium we collected is ours to keep.

Let’s analyze this a bit so you can begin to understand the beauty of this strategy. We are making $32 for tying up $1650 for a week. That means we are making a 1.94% return on our money (that $1650 share of our account) in just a mere 7 days (actually just 4.5 trading days).

So this is the strategy and how it can work. We use our portfolio to “secure” various Put Options that we sell for cash premium (profit). While that $32 may not seem like much, it is a 1.94% return on our investment in just a week. When we scale that across our entire portfolio, it becomes super powerful.

Let’s say I had $60k in my portfolio (I actually have much more, this is just an example). 1.94% a week means that I could be potentially making $1,163 per week in income from this account if I wanted to take it out.

Q: You say you “sell” Put Options, but why would someone actually want to “buy” them?

In any transaction, there are buyers and sellers. People that buy options are speculators. They’re speculating that a stock might go up in the next month, for example, and decide to buy a Call on that stock. The problem with this approach is that they are speculating on a market direction AND a timeframe. If the stock doesn't go up, or even if it does, but it's after the expiration of their Call, they will potentially lose all of the money they paid to buy that Call position.

This is why we do not speculate and DO NOT “buy” options, we only sell them.

We sell Puts so that we collect that small premium upfront. Then, we are patient and follow the methodology to either exit early or extend the contract until it expires without a loss.

A really simple way to look at it is to look at insurance, because that’s what Options are: insurance contracts. We sell the insurance. So, regardless of whether a flood comes or not, we get paid. And even if the flood does come, we just resell our contract and extend it out further in the future to collect more insurance premiums.

Q: You talk about potentially 1% a week, but many of your numbers are different. Are you doing something different?

The good news about this strategy is that it is a recipe you can follow to great success, but how you bake the cake and the ingredients you choose are up to you. No two portfolios will ever have the exact same results.

Depending upon the stocks you select to sell Puts on, as well as the premiums you collect and when you sell them, your results will vary. That being said, I do a few things that boost my overall weekly values. Some of these things involve taking on a bit more risk, some of them mean spending a bit more time managing the options.

Both of these techniques I use are taught in the training, but not until after you take the training wheels off of your account! By that I mean, we want to get you to master the basics before we start throwing any “optimizations” at you.

But rest assured, I have nothing to hide and am happy to teach you exactly what I do. 

Q: How long can I access the training?

You will have a full 6-months access to the training videos. For the first 60 days, you will also have access to the trading notifications, community, LIVE Calls and software (just recently released). If you continue on with us in the ongoing monthly coaching group you will retain access to those features for as long as you stay subscribed.

Q: You mentioned software but not many details are provided?

I, Troy, am a SaaS platform developer and run several software companies. So we are actively developing a software solution that will allow you to track your trades much easier than the cumbersome brokerage accounts. It will also provide much more “on strategy” guidance, reporting and metrics.

The software has just recently been released, but is actively in development. You can consider it in a “beta” state at the moment. But we have a whole team of developers working on it and it’s improving daily. However, it already fully tracks your trading performance and that is the most critical feature. Best of all, if you join us now, you will get access to the software included in your monthly coaching subscription at no additional charge for as long as you stay subscribed.

Q: Is this a day-trading program?

No, it definitely is not. I would encourage you to go back and read through this entire sales page. I know it is long, heck... I wrote it and I spent over 200 hours going through it time and time again to answer questions just like this. But if you’re asking this question, then you kind of missed the point of the sales page and I am guessing you probably skimmed it.

I have learned that people that won’t invest the half an hour to read the full sales page generally will not be good students as they simply lack patience. So I really do recommend you read through everything before spending any money with us.

This program takes a mere 1 to 2 hours a week of your time. IT IS NOT DAY-TRADING and you do not have to sit at the computer all day watching digital paint dry. This framework is designed to be minimizing intrusive on your time so that you can still trade even if you have a full time workload in your business or career.

Q: Is the online community on Facebook?

No, it most certainly is not. It is hosted on Troy’s private platform and supports both Desktop and Mobile access. The training material, videos and courses are all within the community environment in one place, as well. 

We value your privacy and don’t want to put discussions of finances and private questions like that on a public, privacy-invading platform like Facebook (or others). Our platform is “Big Tech Free” — meaning your conversations and data will be kept away from all of the major Big Tech platforms and cloud services. We don’t use any of them, even for our servers, nor do we use Google Cloud services or Amazon AWS cloud services.

Q: How is the content delivered?

We use a private community platform created by Troy which is hosted off of Big Tech — — to host all of the content and our community. It’s all together so there’s no need to go to multiple places to find everything.

The platform supports both Desktop and Mobile, so you can access the content however it is easiest for you.

Q: Am I going to get bombarded with daily marketing emails constantly pitching me something else to buy?

No, not at all.

We do periodically have other products or trainings for sale, so there are occasionally some marketing emails. We also do email several times a week, almost daily, but most are tips, mindset emails, trading advice and marketing news that affects your trading. 

But we do not promote any one else’s product or service nor do we sell your information to any other trading or finance company, or any company for that matter. I personally subscribed to many financial newsletters that passed my email around like a party favor and I HATED IT — so rest assured, we will never do that to you.

Q: Are there any additional required purchases?

No there are not. We show you free options screeners to help you find options. The platforms we use are free to set your accounts up on, as well. There are small platform trading fees per Option contract, but that is an industry standard and you’re just paying that out of your profits on each contract sold. The fees range from $0.03 to approximately $0.66 per contract.

Q: Do you get paid when I trade or a kickback on any of the fees or software?

No, we do not. We don’t play those games. And we do not get any bonuses, free stock or other kickbacks from the brokerages we recommend either. They do offer those programs, but we choose to remain independent and free from them.

Q: Do Troy or John receive compensation for the stock options they recommend?

No, we do not. We also fully disclose the Options we are selling. You will see every trade we execute on our live trading calls and trade notifications.

Q: Are there any upsells when I sign up for the Low Stress Options™ Program?

No. Although we know a lot of our competition requires you to upgrade your purchase to get hands-on assistance and access, there are no such upsells in our Program at time of purchase. You receive the assistance and access when you sign up. Period. 

Q: I’m not very familiar with Options, or financial markets, in general. Should I still sign up?

Yes. In fact, this may very well be the ideal program for you to sign up for. When we designed the Low Stress Options™ Program, we assumed not everyone would be on the same page when it comes to financial knowledge. So we take you from the point of not even understanding what an Option is or how it works to being confident with trading Options and potentially generating weekly income.

Q: I live in Japan, why can't I purchase?

Certain countries have restrictions about educational products in this sector and we must abide by those restrictions. Japan does not allow for the sale of educational products regarding trading or investment products, therefore we cannot accept any Japanese students into Low Stress Options.

Q: Are there other county specific Restrictions?

Outside of Japan, most countries are permitted. There are, however, some restrictions on countries that are not allowed to trade the US Stock Exchange that we have no control over. Furthermore, Canada has some restrictions on their TFSA accounts that make it incompatible with our core framework. Please see the specific entry in the FAQ about TFSA accounts. We do have a lot of Canadians trading with us, but most are trading with standard brokerage accounts. Regarding further clarification on International Trading, we suggest you contact Interactive Brokers directly before purchasing to make sure that they can service you in your locale.

Q: How much can I expect to make on average each month?

Quite simply, there is no way we can make any promises or set any expectations on earnings, or that you will even make anything at all, for two reasons. For one, markets fluctuate from month to month. This is the nature of the stock market. Second, we have no idea of your commitment level to doing the program, your financial capabilities, or how much money you will be investing in your portfolio.

The fact is that all investments — whether stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, index funds, Forex, Crypto or any others — are risky and you can not only not make money, but you can lose money as well.

Neither John nor Troy are financial planners, attorneys or tax advisors, and therefore cannot give you any specific advice. Please scroll to the bottom and read our full legal disclaimer.

Q: Are you a licensed financial planner? Can I hire you for personal trading advice?

No and no. This program is an educational sale and we cannot provide any personalized trading or financial advice. Neither John nor I are licensed financial advisors. 

Q: Do you have an affiliate program for Low Stress Trading™?

Yes, we do, but it is only open to our customers, and only after they have participated in the program for a while. We do this out of integrity because we only want people to promote it who truly understand and have been through the program themselves. Like the Marines, we’re just looking for “a few good students” — haha. But, seriously, our integrity and reputation is of the utmost importance, and we don’t want to be lumped in with all of the other “pump and dump” hypesters.

Ready to go? Here’s where to signup...

Just One Payment
of $1000 Today!



We do not offer refunds, partial or otherwise, on digital and live training products under any circumstances. If you just want to “try it out” and are not committed to increasing your Options trading skills, then please do not waste your money or our time. We do not make exceptions to this rule, so consider your purchase and your willingness to participate carefully.

NOTE: All live trainings will be recorded and you will have access to them regardless of whether or not you can attend live. The trainings will all be accessible on both desktop and mobile access via our platform.

Legal Disclaimer

You acknowledge that the financial information provided through or, including through the websites, app, lessons or community platforms (collectively, “LST”), is provided for general information and education purposes only and is not a substitute for financial, tax, legal or any other professional advice. Before you act on LST you should consult with appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. You are responsible for your own investment decisions and agree that we cannot be held responsible for any losses you may incur.

Any results shown in LST are not typical earnings. There are no guarantees that you will make any money at all and you may lose all of your money. The stock market can be extremely volatile. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Do not invest money you need to pay your bills or live on. Do not borrow money to invest in this program nor any other financial investment.


Occasionally some of the tools or software we use may have affiliate links in them. If they do, they will be individually disclosed. None of the items we recommend are anything other than what we personally use in our own businesses.