A Special Event Invitation from Troy & John
Low Stress Options LIVE! in Orlando
Before purchasing, make sure and watch the full video above and make sure that this even makes sense for you. This LIVE event is designed for you whether you are new to the program or already having success but want to go deeper.
Event Date: January 16th & 17th
Location: Orlando, Florida (Troy’s home)
Strictly Limited to 6 3 People
(We only have 3 spots left)
This event will be hosted in Troy’s home and, as such, can only accommodate a maximum of 6 attendees. It will be casual, shorts & a tee shirt are totally fine — this is the “Low Stress” zone after all!
Coffee, tea, water, protein bars, soft drinks and snacks will be available at the event and my wife always has some sort of Brazilian treats (I won’t spoil the surprise). But because of the small, intimate nature of this event, we just can’t accommodate more than 6 people — so don’t delay in booking your spot.
~ Qualifications ~
If you are new to Low Stress Options™ that’s fine, but this event does require that you have:
- An account active and funded account
- Gone through the full core LSO training
- Made some money with the core strategy already
You don’t have to have a lot of experience, but we want you to at least know your way around the framework and have executed a dozen trades already. But, you have until January 16th to hit that very “low bar” of these requirements.
If you already have solid experience with the core LSO training, we will be going deeper in several areas as well as teaching several new topics (see the details below).
So this event truly is for most anyone in the group, whether you’re looking to go deeper with what you’ve already learned or just want to really get more personal and direct guidance.
Event Details
Here are the main event details
- 2-day LIVE in person event at Troy’s home in the Orlando, Florida area
- Both Troy and John will all be present
- Specifically designed during live trading hours so we can look at your accounts, situations, roll together at 3pm each day, and other potential live trading as needed
- We’ll goto dinner as a group at the end of the first day. Each person will be responsible for their own bill, but we’ll be dining as a group and we will cover some appetizers for the table. This is optional, but gives us a chance to have some more casual time together — and, yes, we can still “talk shop” and have any trading related Q&A, etc...
NOTE: You will be required to sign an event liability waiver and marketing release prior to attending which will give us permission to use any film or video footage from the event in our marketing. If you are not willing to do so, then unfortunately this even is not for you. We may or may not have the event professionally filmed.
The Training Agenda
Day #1
- Breakfast Provided — Show up a bit early and treat yourself to a Brazilian style breakfast, thanks to my lovely wife, Edina!
- Starting at 8:30am — We’ll meet, grab coffee and get settled
- Core Strategy Deep Dive and Discussion — Some of this will be review, but in an in-person live format like this we will also be able to go deeper and into more subtlety. As all who attend should have already successfully traded the strategy, much of this session will be devoted to discussion and Q&A.
- Creating Your Trading Plan — For some, this will be a retirement plan, for others a get out of debt plan or business stability plan. Whatever your goal, John will be helping you lay out a framework for how to achieve it. It will be very structured and either include a printed guide and/or a PDF version so that you can put it to work when you get home.
- Lunch provided — Edina always whips something up for us so we can dine at home and keep productive.
- Buying to Close (and other advanced topics) — We will go deeper into some of the more complex and/or advanced strategies you can employ with the strategy.
- Advanced Rolling Strategies (and LIVE rolling at 3pm) — Rolling strategies beyond the first week can get more subtle, so we'll spend quite a bit of time going through this together as well as doing our live rolls together at 3pm.
- Group Dinner — We will continue into the evening for a joint dinner together where all business or trading related questions are fair game!
Day #2
- Breakfast Provided — Show up a bit early and treat yourself to a Brazilian style breakfast, thanks to my lovely wife, Edina!
- Starting at 8:30am — We’ll meet, grab coffee and get settled
- Options Scanner Deep Dive — We will be going into a lot of deep information with using scanners to enhance and streamline your trading.
- 30 in 30 Training — This is an additional training is something new we have not taught or sold yet. But we will be selling it soon. Attendees, however, will get it LIVE and bundled into the event at no additional cost. For more details, see the Bonus #1 below.
- Lunch provided — For Friday we bring in organic grass fed prime cut fillet mignon from my local butcher — the only beef I eat! These fillets are better than Ruth's Chris!
- Friday Rolling Deep Dive — Since this will be a Friday, end of week expiration day, we’ll spend more time and go deeper into the rolling strategies for end of week as well as cover ongoing rolling strategies (after you have already rolled it, in the weeks after).
Other Notes
- Both days we will break at 3pm for a group “rolling” session
- Barring any unforeseen technical issues, we will be recording the event and providing copies after the event, but not immediately, as it will take some time to edit them up
- Snacks, coffee, soda, etc... will be available during the event
There will be a preferred hotel to stay near Troy's home. Details will be provided after purchase. You are welcome to stay at another hotel if you want, however, the reasons why we prefer you stay at this hotel are:
- It’s clean and affordable, nice but not fancy
- It includes breakfast every morning before you come to the event
- If you stay there, it will be easier for you to share an Uber to Troy’s home and save some dough (keep it for trading)
- You can stay elsewhere, no worries... but if you do, you’ll either need to rent a call or cover your own Uber rides
“30 in 30” Training (a $499 value). This is a brand new training that Troy created and retails for $499. But if you attend the event, you will get“comped” access to the training absolutely FREE. We will also be covering this training during the training as well.
This strategy is even simpler than our core strategy and it specifically addresses issues for those like Canadians that have restrictions in some retirement accounts of only being able to sell Covered Calls. It is also ideal for those that want to get more from their blue chip stocks in their retirement accounts.
Best of all, this strategy only requires about 30 minutes a month and no oversight, rolling or drama whatsoever.
Setting Up Your Trading Plan (a $199 value). This is a brand new training John is creating and will be selling to all Low Stress Options students for $199 in the near future. However, event attendees will receive “comped” access to the training absolutely FREE. We will also be presenting this training during one of the sessions, as well.
A strong foundation is absolutely essential to any building. Your Trading Plan is the key to building your Options account with confidence and consistency. During the training John will take you through each of the necessary steps to building a customized Trading Plan designed to meet YOUR goals and objectives in the fastest, most efficient way possible! This training will be sold separately for $199 in the near future, but attendees will get “comped” access absolutely FREE.
Start ’em Early! (a $299 value). Troy will be creating a special bonus course all about how he’s starting his children on Options trading. It will cover the “broad strokes” (we can’t, of course, provide legal tax advise) of what you need to do from a tax & business entity perspective to setup either taxable or tax free trading accounts for your children — yes, even for new borns! Troy will be covering some advanced strategies that will really help you set your children up for life. This training will be sold separately for $299 in the near future, but attendees will get “comped” access to the training absolutely FREE.

Legal Disclaimer
You acknowledge that the financial information provided through LowStressTrading.com or LowStressTrainingLLC.com, including through the websites, app, lessons or community platforms (collectively, “LST”), is provided for general information and education purposes only and is not a substitute for financial, tax, legal or any other professional advice. Before you act on LST you should consult with appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. You are responsible for your own investment decisions and agree that we cannot be held responsible for any losses you may incur.
Any results shown in LST are not typical earnings. There are no guarantees that you will make any money at all and you may lose all of your money. The stock market can be extremely volatile. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Do not invest money you need to pay your bills or live on. Do not borrow money to invest in this program nor any other financial investment.
Occasionally some of the tools or software we use may have affiliate links in them. If they do, they will be individually disclosed. None of the items we recommend are anything other than what we personally use in our own businesses.