A Special Event Invitation from John & Troy
Advanced Options Strategies LIVE Virtual Event
Before purchasing, make sure and watch the full video above and make sure that this even makes sense for you. If you are new to our core program and still learning it, then please do not join the Advanced Options Strategies Event at this time.
Event Date: January 19th
This will be an all day event hosted in two sessions of approximately 2.5 hours each with a long break in between. So please make sure and block off the entire day for it. The follow-up Q&A session will be announced at a later time so that you have ample time to deploy and test the strategies before the call and come prepared with lots of good questions.

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You acknowledge that the financial information provided through LowStressTrading.com or LowStressTrainingLLC.com, including through the websites, app, lessons or community platforms (collectively, “LST”), is provided for general information and education purposes only and is not a substitute for financial, tax, legal or any other professional advice. Before you act on LST you should consult with appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. You are responsible for your own investment decisions and agree that we cannot be held responsible for any losses you may incur.
Any results shown in LST are not typical earnings. There are no guarantees that you will make any money at all and you may lose all of your money. The stock market can be extremely volatile. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Do not invest money you need to pay your bills or live on. Do not borrow money to invest in this program nor any other financial investment.
Occasionally some of the tools or software we use may have affiliate links in them. If they do, they will be individually disclosed. None of the items we recommend are anything other than what we personally use in our own businesses.